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MANUFACTURERS: Information Storage Devices, Inc.
Information Storage Devices, Inc.

Information Storage Devices, Inc. logo

2727 N. First St.,
San Jose,
CA 95134, US
tel: 1-408-943-6666
fax: 1-408-544-1786

    Throughout its history, ISD (Information Storage Devices, Inc.) has played a leading role in bringing voice recording and playback capabilities to a myriad of communications products. ISD is a leading supplier of semiconductor voice record and playback solutions, providing essential products to the communications marketplace using its proprietary multilevel storage and related technologies.

    To date, the ISD product line has been incorporated into hundreds of products, including cellular phones, pages, personal voice organizers, telephone answering devices, voice "message pads", greeting cards, games, toys, interactive books, alarms, point-of-sale displays, novelty items, and personalized gifts. The products are also found in industrial announcement/annunciator systems, instrumentation, and in building security systems.

    ISD is a wholly owned subsidiary of Winbond Electronics.

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